Employ a Working Cat

What is a Working Cat?

  • Not socially suitable as a typical family pet
  • Prefer outdoor life with minimal human contact
  • Spayed or neutered, vaccinated, and microchipped
  • Still in need of a safe, caring, and attentive home
  • A poison-free alternative to pest control

Working Cats Success

  • 108 working cat placements in 2020
  • 90 working cat placements in 2019

In 2020:

  • 78 Incoming new leads via phone call
  • Most cats placed on one day: 8
  • Most cats placed in one weekend: 14

Welcoming a Working Cat

  • In acclimation cages for 2-4 weeks
  • Indoor shelter available every night

Twice daily care:

  • feeding
  • fresh water
  • litter box

The Cost of a Working Cat

  • Working Cats is a FREE program (accepting donations)
  • All initial set-up supplies are provided by ASAP

You provide:

  • wet and dry food the first few weeks (mostly dry food after release)
  • vet care in case of illness or injury, flea control

How Do I Get a Working Cat

  • Contact Mary at [email protected] or (805) 699-5739
  • Brief phone interview, provide photos of night shelter
  • Site visit/meet & greet dogs (if needed)
  • If approved, placement is scheduled!
  • Cats are placed in pairs, at minimum