Spay & Neutering Your Cat

Spay & Neuter Services At ASAP

A main goal of the ASAP mission is to serve all cats in Santa Barbara County and part of that includes preventing the overpopulation of cats in the area. To accomplish this, we are proud to offer Spay & Neuter services at the shelter. 

Wondering why you should spay/neuter your cat? Take a look at some fast facts below:

How Spaying & Neutering Helps

  • Enhances your cat’s health and quality of life
  • The cost of licensing is considerably lower
  • Prevents the birth of unwanted kittens, which often overcrowd county shelters and prevent older cats from being adopted
  • Decreases a cat’s desire to roam and mark their territory

Best Age to Spay or Neuter

  • Consult with your veterinarian about the most appropriate time to spay or neuter your pet
  • Considerations are the breed, age, and physical condition.
  • It is not best to wait until your female cat has gone through its first heat cycle

    Our Spay/Neuter services are temporarily unavailable. If you are currently in need of any Spay/Neuter services, Santa Barbara Humane is available to assist. Simply visit their website to book today!