Report a Found Cat

Report a Found Cat

The first step you should take in reporting a found cat: use Petco Love Lost! Petco Love Lost uses facial recognition technology to match photos of the cat with its widespread database. You can share the Found Pet profile to your local social media pages, and you can even use Petco Love Lost to make flyers to post in your neighborhood! To get started, select the button below. Please note: this button will redirect you to Petco Love Lost’s page.

If you see a stray cat, you can also fill out our online form with details about where the cat is and what they look like. There’s additionally an opportunity to upload photos you may have of the cat. This helps us see if they may match with a reported lost cat, or may need additional attention.

Please note that we are currently only serving the Santa Barbara County area. If you are outside this area, please check with your local resources and organizations.

Here are some steps you can take before bringing the pet to the shelter:

Stray Cats In Custody

Below are all the stray cats currently in our custody. Think one of them might be your lost kitty? Let’s get in touch!

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