Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer Opportunities:

As you become adept at handling cats and exhibit reliability in attendance, you may request training in:

  • Socializing cats:

    Providing cats with appropriate affectionate contact with people to modify behavior and make a cat more adoptable.
  • Grooming cats:

    Bathing, grooming and trimming claws takes experience in controlling cats to assure your own safety and that of the cat, as well as to make it a pleasant experience for both of you.
  • Medicating cats: Medications are given twice daily to cats requiring treatment. Volunteers interested in medical care, who have exhibited sufficient skill in handling cats and have been reliable in attendance, will be trained in administering medications and be given a working knowledge of common terminology and drugs.
  • Counseling: Assisting the public in the selection of a pet, advising the adopter on continued cat care and providing guidance in locating lost pets. Knowledge of County and ASAP adoption and redemption guidelines and procedures is required. In order to more quickly locate a cat, or fulfill the desires and requirements of the adopter, the counselor must be acquainted with the cats in the shelter and be adept at handling animals.
  • Assisting the Veterinarian:

    Volunteers who are familiar with medicating cats, understand our usage of common drugs and terminology, have exhibited skill in controlling cats and have regular attendance, may be trained to become a part of the team that assists the veterinarian
  • Clerical assistance:

    Aiding in the maintenance of medical, veterinary and other records.
  • Shift Lead: The Lead Volunteer supervises the other volunteers to ensure that levels of daily care are maintained and all ASAP and Santa Barbara County policies and protocols are followed.  There are two Leads each day, am and pm. To qualify as a Lead, a volunteer must exhibit skill in handling cats and must be aware of County and ASAP policies and medical procedures. A significant amount of experience working in the shelter is required.

At-Home Volunteer Opportunities:
Love cats but unable to work at the shelter?  You can still help!  We have a great need for volunteers with the following skills:

  • Writing
  • Advertising or Graphic Design
  • Fundraising or Grant Writing
  • Computer Programming or IT
  • Administrative

If you have any interest in participating in any of these activities, please contact an officer or board member to acquaint us with your talents!  We’d love to hear from you.